What is Mediation?

Mediation is a process where a neutral third party, called a mediator, helps people in conflict find a solution that works for everyone involved. It's a way to resolve disputes peacefully and constructively.

Benefits of Mediation:

  • Voluntary

Mediation is voluntary, meaning that all parties involved choose to participate. This allows for a more cooperative atmosphere compared to court proceedings, where decisions may be imposed upon individuals.

  • Confidentiality

Mediation sessions are confidential, which means that what is discussed during the process typically cannot be used in court. This encourages open and honest communication between parties.

  • Control

In mediation, the parties have more control over the outcome. Instead of a judge making a final decision, the parties work together to find a solution that meets everyone's needs and interests.

  • Cost-effective

Mediation is often less expensive than going to court. Since it aims to resolve issues efficiently, it can save time and money for all parties involved.

  • Preserves Relationships

Unlike adversarial court battles, mediation focuses on finding common ground and maintaining relationships. This is particularly beneficial in situations where ongoing communication or collaboration is necessary, such as in family or business disputes.

  • Creative Solutions
  • Mediation encourages creative problem-solving. Parties can explore options and alternatives that may not be available in a traditional legal setting, leading to more customized and satisfying outcomes.
  • Reduced Stress

Dealing with conflict can be emotionally taxing. Mediation provides a supportive environment where individuals can express their concerns and work towards resolution in a less adversarial manner, reducing stress and tension.


Overall, mediation offers a collaborative and flexible approach to conflict resolution, emphasizing communication, understanding, and mutual agreement.


Mediation is well established as an alternate to the judicial process. Canadian divorce law now makes it mandatory for divorcing couples to attempt to resolve their difference informally, via mediation first, before resorting to court.

Mediation is increasingly being used for the effective resolution of conflicts that wouldn’t normally have gone to court, such as:

  • intractable disagreements between project team members
  • cultural differences
  • ‘personality clashes’
  • bullying
  •  toxic workplaces
  • family disagreements/conflict
  • community disputes

As mediator it is my task to ensure that everyone involved feels safe and is heard.

I facilitate a conversation that brings clarity, insight and understanding between people who are in disagreement and who are unable to settle issues between them.

The ongoing effect of a successful mediation is an improvement in clients' ability to resolve conflicts in other situations. Not only does it help with the current conflict, it helps participants improve their understanding of conflict and conflict management.

A successful mediation typically has a long-term positive impact on the family, community or workplace where the disagreement originally started.

Video introducing interest-based mediation

Video 1 on preparing for mediation

Video 2 on preparing for mediation

Elder Mediation

What are we going to do about Mom n Dad?

Most of us are ill-prepared for the time when we have to start caring for and making decisions on behalf of our ill or elderly parents.

Sometimes decisions are made in a time of crisis, which can trigger friction in the family and less than ideal arrangements result.

It's hard enough to be old; it is so good when the family works together well.

Oh the pain of my squabbling children!

It has been shown that where families have not been able to resolve their differences about the older person’s care, that person typically ends up ‘in care’ in a home or residential facility much earlier than necessary; sometimes against the wishes of the older person.  The last years of one's life should not become a nightmare because the family ignores our wishes or gets caught up in old disagreements.

Often the person who has become the primary caregiver can no longer cope – burnout is a very common problem.

Elder mediation provides a supportive, safe and inclusive way of bringing the family, concerned friends and caregivers together in the best interests of the older person. 

Difficulties are caused by many factors.

  • adult children have moved away
  • failing health
  • factors around physical and mental capacity
  • interface with the health care and long term care facilities
  • estate planning
  • family dynamics

The risks of not working together in making decisions are that the older person's condition typically worsens, the caregiver suffers from high levels of stress, and the older person often ends up prematurely in a hospital or long-term care facility.

Elder Mediators assist the family and others who are struggling with reaching agreement involving an older adult.

As an elder mediator I ensure that the right people take part in the conversation and that all voices are heard. That makes it possible to reach good and effective agreements.

I help you focus on what is possible and what is in the best interests of the elderly person.

Costs:  Mediations vary in complexity and duration. We'll talk about what you need before we structure an agreement on process or costs.

Please use the CONTACT page on this website to request 

Here is a CBC article and a video interview on the benefits of elder mediation for our growing population of seniors