Building Trust & Partnership through Effective Communication.
2 day (12 hour) classroom based facilitated participative course.
Target audience: open.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand styles and preferences in communication, including own
- Listen empathically to ensure that the correct message is received and understood
- Take responsibility for how the message is being sent and received
- Use different types of questions to clarify and find out more information
- Increase cultural awareness of pitfalls and triggers in communication
- Use of non-verbal signalling
- Facilitate a group discussion
- Understand dimensions of building and breaking trust
- Use trust-building processes
Other topics:
- Building Trust & Partnership through Effective Communication.
- Front-Line Leadership Development.
- Goal Setting that Delivers Results.
- Performance Appraisal and Feedback that Deliver Results and Strengthen Relationships.
- Managing Change.
- Role and Goal Clarity in Teams.
- Employee Engagement Beyond Survey Results.
- Strength-based Strategic Performance Management.
- Managing Inter-Cultural Conflict.
- Introduction to Basic Problem-Solving Tools.
To download a full PDF of my courses please click here.